Unlock your financial potential

Tailored solutions for your tomorrow

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Before you consider a loan of any kind, think of what you want to achieve with this borrowing, is it to have a home to live in, an investment property, or another investment property, a loan in your super fund, a Bridging Loan for a new home, before you’ve sold the old one or maybe your goal is to reduce other debt you have outside the home loan.

It maybe a loan to assist your business for something you need immediate cash for… i.e. to grow the business with a marketing programme, to purchase stock, to achieve discounts by paying early, to clear ATO debt, to bring super for staff up to date…

What ever the reason we can discuss and advise on your best options.


Before you consider a loan of any kind, have a clear goal in mind as to what you want to achieve

Purchasing a Home for your family

Whether this is your first foray into the housing market or you’ve simply outgrown your existing home as your family has grown, we can guide you all the way through the process of buying a new home and into your next new home, whether it be to construct a new home or you’ve found a larger home to suit your growing needs, we are there for you every step of the way.

Investment Property

Perhaps you’re settled in your current home and it is suiting you needs for now and its now time you thought about an investment property, everyone else is doing it –right? We can guide you through this process, how much money you need to do that, where will the money come from, what will be the costs now and ongoing, tax benefits and ensuring it is structured correctly, all the ins and outs of such a strategy…


With rates having risen dramatically for many people when they came off FixedRates -and are now experiencing “rate shock” talk to us, we may be able to negotiate for you or show you how to negotiate a better rate with your existing bank, or to find you an entirely new Lender with better rates… If hardship is very evident provisions may be able to be put in place to alleviate stress in the family.

Debt Reduction

Too many other things to pay off right now before you consider the next step?There’s that credit card (s) that are maxed out, a car loan, all sorts of other things: with the right strategy in place, we can put a plan in place for you to get those pesky things out of the way so you can move forward.

Getting the loan paid off much sooner

We can help with that too, there are many things we can show you which will help reduce the loan term from the 30 years many people have been led to believe it has to take to pay the loan off, often reducing the loan term by years and years. We have a new way of doing things for you. Ask us how.

Gap Finance

This funding enables a couple in most cases to access >$80,000 each to fill a gap when funds are needed right now… Maybe you needs funds to Exchange on your new purchase and are still invested elsewhere, ie on Term Deposit and not available just yet, or for any other viable purpose.

Self Managed Super Fund loans

Many people these days like to use the cash in their existing retail Super Fund at their workplace, by creating their own Self Managed Super Fund and via that new fund, purchase a property or two. This is a very popular strategy for wealth creation these days. We have many lenders available for us to use to create this investment option for them.

Business Loans

Business’s often needs cash on short notice to meet a gap in finance which they have not been expecting. Pay the staff wages, bring the staff superannuation up to date, purchasing stock and it has to be paid for before delivery to obtain best discounts, ATO debt, there are many needs a business can have for cash quickly, often to grow the business to the next level… we help you to obtain the required funds in a few days and usually no security required.

Commercial Property

A great way to grow your wealth is to purchase a commercial property, and it doesn’t have to be a massive 35 story office building or a Bunnings complex…..Often premises any small business is operating from may come onto the market. A commercial property with a good tenant will provide the property owner with longterm rental and a stable tenant, ie a business which is not likely to move on for many years… And a commercial tenant pays all the outgoings, where as with a residential investment property the owner of the property is responsible for its upkeep.Business owners like to own the building they operate from… and in a Self Managed Super Fund is often a great way to do that, but not the only way.

Next Stages of Life planning

As an ex Financial Adviser for many years in the banking system prior to the last 15 years as a Mortgage Broker, Carol has met with probably thousands of people and can discuss with you various aspects of your Life Plan, if you have one, and if not help you organise yourselves so all boxes are ticked…. and in need, refer you to professionals eg a solicitor for your Wills, Advanced Health Directives, a FinancialAdviser for an overview of your Super fund, Life Insurances, End of life planning and much more. We all have had advice in various aspects of our lives, this service brings it all together in one 2 hour conversation to ensure there are no gaps in your end of life planning.


Empowering Financial Success

Whether you’re navigating a home purchase, structuring a home loan for optimal benefit, delving into investment properties, exploring SMSF loans, venturing into commercial real estate, or addressing the dynamic needs of business owners, Your Finance Lady offers strategic advice and access to tailored financing solutions. With a focus on maximising your wealth, we provide insights, tips, and tricks to help you make informed decisions and achieve your financial goals. From securing the best rates to managing loans efficiently, Your Finance Lady is your trusted partner for a prosperous financial future.

Reach out today  

Your Finance Lady is your ally in addressing cash flow needs, outstanding debts, and strategic growth initiatives.

Personalised Guidance

Benefit from tailored advice crafted by a seasoned professional with 14 years of experience, ensuring that your financial strategy aligns perfectly with your unique goals and circumstances.

Optimised Financing Solutions

Access the best rates and products for your home loan or investment, guided by Your Finance Lady’s expertise in structuring loans to minimise costs and accelerate payoff.

Diverse Investment Strategies

Explore a range of investment opportunities, from property ventures to SMSF loans and commercial real estate, with strategic insights that empower you.

Responsive Small Business Support

Navigate the dynamic challenges of small business ownership with ease, leveraging Small Business Loans for quick access to capital and expert advice tailored to your business needs.


Carol Russell

Meet Carol, the seasoned professional behind Your Finance Lady.

With the last 16 years as a Mortgage & Finance broker and many years prior to that as a Senior Financial Adviser in the banking world Carol offers personalised expertise to structure home loans, navigate investments, and provide strategic financial solutions to assist you to create wealth through property.

Speak to Carol
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